How to Pick the Perfect Wedding Song for Your First Dance?

choose your wedding song

She said, ‘yes’, and you couldn’t be happier!
But nobody prepared you for all the preparation that’s to follows next.
Did they?
Most grooms start feeling overwhelmed with all the wedding prep. Then just when things were starting to settle in–you stumble upon another big question.
What song should you pick for the first dance?
For most couples, this wouldn’t be a difficult decision. That’s because they’ve always had the one song that they called their own. For the rest of the couples, this could prove to be a challenge.
Do you belong to the second category? Don’t fret! We’ve rounded up tips for the first dance song to help you pick a tune.
Let’s have a look:

1. Cover the Basics

First of all, don’t panic. There are numerous ways to select your wedding song. You and your partner just need to decide which option fits you.
Here’s a list of questions that you can ask yourself:

  • Do you have a song that holds a special place in your relationship?
  • Could the first song that you danced to be right for the big day?
  • What sort of genres do you enjoy? Do your favorite songs align?

Asking these sort of questions will help you narrow down your list. Sometimes a song will jump out to you and you’d say ‘this is the one’. If that doesn’t happen you can move to the next step.

2. Practicality Is Key

We agree that music sets the mood for the first dance. However, that isn’t the only variable involved at the wedding. There are also other elements that come into play when you think about your first dance. That’s why it’s important for you to be practical about your song choice.
Here are somethings that you should consider:

  • Does the song match the theme of the wedding?
  • Will your live band be able to play this song?
  • Is the song wedding material?
  • Can you actually dance to it?

The last question is crucial. It is important for you to select the first dance song that is made for dancing. Otherwise, things might get awkward.

3. Dance Your Heart Out

Lastly, never force yourself to pick a sappy number just because it’s a wedding. We’ve seen couples select some awfully dull numbers just because it was the safe option. As we mentioned earlier the trick is to choose something that captures your relationship.
What if the song is too unconventional? That’s okay! At the end of the day, it’s your wedding so you are the boss. However, if you need help then try seeking advice from professional dancers. Or better yet, sign up for a ballroom dance class. Your instructor can help you with the song selection. Plus, they can easily choreograph a dance routine around your song.

Wrap Up

In the end, try not to put too much pressure on yourself if you can’t decide on the song. The trick is to pick something meaningful, practical and dance-centric. The rest of it will play out on its own.
What should you do after you pick your wedding song? Waltz your way to our ballroom dance class to ensure that you match the beat on the main day.