American Tango

The Tango is a Ballroom dance that branched away from its original Argentine roots by allowing European, American, Hollywood, and competitive influences into the style and execution of the dance.

The Tango is known as the dance of passion, mystery, and seduction. Tango dancers are often seen in a closed embrace gliding skillfully across the floor. Although walking movements dominate, Tango walks, having a “stalking” or “sneaking” character, are unlike the walks of other Ballroom dances. Movements are sometimes slow and slithery, and other times sharp and staccato, such as a quick foot flick or a sharp head snap to promenade position. Tango has the same counter clockwise flow of movement around the dance floor, but with a lesser sense of urgency in comparison to the smoother and more continuous Ballroom dances.
Tango is also famous for it’s dramatic “picture lines”, which explains why it is one of the most photographed dances in the world.
The American-style Tango allows its practitioners to separate from closed position to execute open moves, like underarm turns, alternate handholds, dancing apart, and side-by-side choreography.
The American-style Tango continues to grow as a very popular dance. It is best known as both the simplest and the showiest of all Tangos, and is considered the “dancers dance” and becomes the favorite of all who learn it.