
The Paso Doble (meaning “double-step” in Spanish) refers to a style of ballroom dancing included in DanceSport categories of competition that began in the 16th century in the country of France. This dance became popular in Spain because it became based on the sound, drama, and movement of the Spanish bullfight.
The Paso Doble is one of the most dramatic of all the Latin dances. It is a progressive dance in which dancers take strong steps forward with the heels, and incorporate artistic hand movements. The forward steps, or walks, should be strong and proud. The man should also incorporate the apel, a move in which he strongly stamps his foot, much like a matador strikes the ground in order to capture the attention of the bull. All moves of the Paso Doble should be sharp and quick, with the chest and head held high to represent arrogance and dignity.
Though rarely used socially, Paso Doble still has great functional value to the student, requiring a strong sense of rhythm, sharp turns, and powerful movement across the floor.