
The Foxtrot is a smooth, progressive dance characterized by long, continuous flowing movements across the dance floor. Developed in the 1910’s, the Foxtrot reached its height of popularity in the 1930’s, and remains practiced today.
The Foxtrot is very similar to the Waltz. Both are extremely smooth dances that travel along a line of dance counterclockwise around the floor. The rise and fall action of the Foxtrot comes from the long walking movements made by the dancers.
The dance combines quick steps with slow steps, giving dancers more flexibility in movement and greater dancing pleasure. In order to maintain the “trot” of this dance, dancers should shorten their steps as the tempo of the music increases. Some of the steps create attractive zig-zag patterns on the dance floor. Several of steps distinctive to the Foxtrot are the Feather Step, the Three Step and the Weave.
The Foxtrot must be danced very smoothly, with no jerking of the body… think about the smooth dancing of Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers. Because of its smoothness, it is often referred to as the Rolls Royce of the Ballroom dances. Once you learn the Foxtrot, you really feel like a dancer.